‘Tis nan play to ditch our zealously-made New Year’s resolutions. Officially (and cynically) dubbed “Quitters Day,” January 12th has travel and gone—and pinch it information suggesting a corporate abandonment of our start-of-the-year goals. But if you’ve been present for a minute, you cognize that we actively believe and preach a much sustainable approach. We’re each astir defining a vision and mounting intentions that support really we want to feel. What this looks for illustration for me? Waking up energized and motivated to tackle my regular to-do’s. And that led maine to Andrew Huberman’s greeting routine.
The full Camille Styles squad are enthusiastic subscribers of nan Huberman Lab podcast. Regularly classed nan apical wellness podcast successful nan world, nan show’s episodes screen each areas of health, discussing topics for illustration nutrition, sleep, breathwork, and much done nan lens of neuroscience. As such, nan conversations are research-driven, uncovering insights into really we tin optimize capacity to lead a much fulfilled and vibrant life.
So, it comes arsenic nary astonishment that we’d look to big and neuroscientist, Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., for guidance connected really to building an perfect greeting routine. And clearly, we’re not alone, arsenic his millions of followers regularly activity retired nan nitty-gritty specifications arsenic good (e.g., everything from his wake-up clip to his workout to nan components of his greeting meal). And while I could find nan answers successful nan heavy rabbit spread that is nan area of YouTube dedicated to nan subject, I decided to effort it retired myself. Spoiler: My life? Transformed.
Featured image from our question and reply pinch Iskra Lawrence.

What is Andrew Huberman’s greeting routine?
Huberman’s podcast specifications nan steps and benefits of his greeting routine. In it, you’ll find tasks that support some intelligence and beingness well-being—everything from hydration to stretching to yes, cold exposure. Here’s a breakdown.
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Start pinch an early wake-up time.
Specifically, betwixt 5 and 6 a.m. As personification who’s ever people gravitated toward an earlier wake-up call, this wasn’t excessively overmuch of a departure from what I already practiced. Because I purpose for a bedtime of astir 9:30 (lights out, sleep mask on), I aftermath up astatine 6 a.m. to guarantee a coagulated 8.5 hours. Waking up early tin thief modulate your circadian rhythm, starring to much sustained power passim nan day. If you find this difficult, considering investing successful a sunrise siren clock (we named nan Hatch Restore 2 our favorite). Rather than spiking your cortisol pinch a jarring notification, it helps you aftermath up gradually pinch a gentle alarm.
Get earthy light.
Aim for earthy sun vulnerability wrong an hr of waking up. This is simply a surefire measurement to reset your soul clock—and tin make that first measurement of rising early each nan easier. Candidly, I recovered this nan astir difficult measurement successful Andrew Huberman’s greeting routine, arsenic I started my research successful nan mediate of a bleak Chicago winter. But moreover an overcast stroll extracurricular counts! I bravely bundled up successful my parka and ventured retired for a speedy 10-minute (silent) walk. While activity is simply a bonus, you tin besides reap nan mood-boosting benefits by simply sipping your greeting H20 connected your structure aliases balcony.

Rehydrate your body.
As in, h2o first thing. We each cognize that prioritizing hydration passim nan time is important, but downing a solid instantly successful nan AM not only supports digestion but tin lead to stronger focus. Supercharge your sip pinch citrus juice aliases see chlorophyll water. While much investigation is needed, location is evidence to propose chlorophyll tin support patient tegument and aging. I emotion Juna’s Detox Drops arsenic a beneficial boost aliases AG1 for nan trifecta of vitamins, minerals, and probiotics.
While Huberman swears by yoga nidra, I person a difficult clip getting past my love-hate narration pinch nan practice. He suggests aiming for 10 minutes to beforehand intelligence clarity and reset your tense strategy earlier diving into nan stressors of your day. This is 1 portion of nan greeting regular that I often modify. I’ll trust connected a guided meditation done either Headspace aliases nan Superhuman app. But much often than not, I’ll beryllium cross-legged connected nan level and believe a fewer minutes of breathwork. Doing this, I find I’m little distracted by nan situation of quieting my mind and tin alternatively thin into nan grounding focal constituent of my breath.

Stretch it out.
I’ve grown much intentional astir prioritizing mobility arsenic I property and stretching much consistently has go a cardinal cornerstone of that goal. Huberman is aligned and encourages a speedy greeting stretch. Doing truthful benefits everything from posture to reduced stress and is simply a coagulated wont to offset agelong periods of sitting during nan activity day. These are immoderate of our favorite greeting stretches to thief maximize your greeting routine.
Make clip for movement.
While I’m a dedicated greeting fittingness instrumentality (either barre3 aliases an at-home FORM workout are my faves), your greeting activity tin look nevertheless you’d like. Maybe that’s going for a agelong locomotion done your vicinity aliases flowing done a speedy yoga routine, aliases possibly you’re a HIIT aliases spot training junkie. Whatever resonates and feels bully for your assemblage is nan regular to follow.

Eat a nourishing breakfast.
The timing of his first repast of nan time is nan 1 constituent of Andrew Huberman’s greeting regular that I actively chose to opt retired of. He supports and practices time-restricted eating—often delaying his first repast until nan early afternoon. But arsenic personification pinch a history of eating disorders, I cognize that it’s not due for maine to adopt this habit. What’s more, immoderate experts asseverate that intermittent fasting tin negatively effect women’s hormones and fertility.
The portion that resonates? How Huberman structures his first repast of nan day. He prioritizes value sources of protein, specified arsenic a fewer scrambled eggs (with pasture-raised being nan golden standard). For sustained power and regulated hunger levels, purpose for a bully equilibrium of macronutrients, adding patient fats and analyzable carbs to information retired your plate.
Try acold exposure.
Did I opportunity getting sunlight first point was nan hardest portion of Andrew Huberman’s greeting routine? Oops—I meant acold exposure. While liking successful acold therapy has been trending complete nan past fewer years, I’ve recovered it difficult to return nan (literal) plunge. However, exposing our bodies to acold temperatures has been shown to strengthen immunity, boost your mood, trim inflammation, and more. And while an crystal bath is ideal, you tin acquisition akin benefits by taking a acold shower.
Delay your caffeine intake.
Love your greeting cuppa correct aft rising? Huberman suggests delaying your habit—by 2 hours, specifically. Painful, I know. But by prioritizing some sun vulnerability and workout first, you’ll beryllium capable to debar nan afternoon power slump. If you’re tempted to support your power precocious by pounding java aft that first cup, 1 word: don’t. And according to Huberman, trim disconnected each caffeine intake aft 2 p.m. to debar disruptions to your sleep.

The Takeaway
While others are chugging their measurement done nan 75 Hard Challenge, I’ve recovered that pursuing Andrew Huberman’s greeting regular is simply a much sustainable measurement to still get a patient commencement to nan day. When it comes to building strong, supportive habits, moving wrong a framework—rather than being rigidly strict astir your rituals—ensures an easier return erstwhile you’ve “fallen off” nan alleged wagon. I for illustration that Huberman encourages definite habits specified a movement, wherever you tin accommodate nan measurement to align pinch what feels champion for you.
It’s surely not easy, but sticking to Andrew Huberman’s greeting regular is imaginable because of nan contiguous benefits I acquisition successful some my assemblage and mind. Stretching and exercising first point allows maine to consciousness much energized successful my activity tasks. Practicing breathwork (and nan occasional meditation) helps maine commencement my time focused and motivated. And completing each step—yes, moreover my minute-long acold shower—lets maine commencement nan greeting pinch a consciousness of accomplishment. It’s nan snowball effect successful action, starring to different small, but important wins each passim nan day.