If personification hasn’t told you lately: cellulite is wholly normal—and much communal than you astir apt think. In fact, research shows that betwixt 80% and 90% of each women who’ve gone done puberty person cellulite. (That’s compared to little than 10% of men.) Despite what communal myths mightiness person you believe, for galore people, cellulite is an inevitability of life. However, it’s besides earthy to want to trim nan quality of cellulite aliases mitigate its development, particularly arsenic you age. While genetics play a role, location are a fewer tried-and-true strategies for dealing pinch stubborn cellulite. The latest trend? Cupping for cellulite—and yes, we’re obsessed.
Brooke created The Road successful Austin, Texas to stock her acquisition successful holistic skincare, acupuncture and Chinese medicine to nurture our ain innate treatment responses. Previously an esthetician and world skincare pedagogue and marque manager, she pursued her masters successful Chinese medicine to thief heal others connected a deeper level. She now incorporates cosmetic acupuncture and Chinese medicine, facial sculpting techniques, curated skincare, and precocious tech modalities to guideline clients connected their travel to looking and emotion their best, holistically.
What is cupping?
While skin-tightening creams and oils tin thief amended skin elasticity and sometimes tin trim nan quality of cellulite, you’ll get nan astir important results by going beneath nan skin. Treatments for illustration lasers and lymphatic drainage are communal to trim cellulite. In caller years, cupping has emerged arsenic nan latest trend, drafting connected ancient medicine.
To study each astir cupping, I said pinch Brooke Taylor, laminitis of The Road successful Austin and an master successful holistic skincare and Chinese medicine. “90% of women person immoderate cellulite, including athletes. I would look astatine this arsenic a normal assemblage consequence that does not require eliminating—we almost each person it. If it bothers you, cupping is simply a highly inexpensive and accessible measurement to minimize nan appearance. Otherwise, clasp your dimple!”
Taylor notes that cupping has been utilized for hundreds of years successful Chinese medicine. However, its exertion is now much widespread, pinch galore cultures leaning connected cupping to decompress musculus and tissue. The method involves applying a cup aliases alloy that creates a vacuum erstwhile applied to nan skin. “There are galore kinds of cupping, but we usually execute sliding cupping to reside cellulite.”

Cupping Benefits
“Cupping was primitively utilized for definite diseases and conditions but gained fame successful Western civilization erstwhile athletes began cupping for post-workout recovery, and celebrities were showing their cup marks,” says Taylor. But you don’t person to beryllium an jock to use from cupping. In fact, almost everyone could use from a session, she notes.
“There are truthful galore health-related applications for cupping, but astir group would use from a assemblage convention to thief pinch musculus tension. It tin beryllium highly relaxing, thief nan tense system, and summation mobility.”
What causes cellulite? And really tin cupping thief it?
Cellulite is genetic, but location are further factors that tin lend to its appearance. Some things are inevitable, for illustration aging, but others, for illustration a sedentary lifestyle, tin exacerbate nan quality of cellulite.
“Take attraction of your wide health—hydration and minerals, patient fats and collagen-producing foods, hormone balancing, and sleep. Protect your tegument from sun harm aliases drying out; sun harm thins nan tegument and breaks down elastin and collagen, which tin make nan quality much visible.”

How to Use Cupping for Cellulite
Thanks to societal media, cupping for cellulite has go nan newest trend. “Cupping is surely mainstream now for helping nan quality of cellulite,” says Taylor. As it turns out, this is 1 of those viral trends that really has merit.
“Cupping therapy tin amended nan quality of cellulite to immoderate grade by expanding circulation, some vascular and lymphatic, wherever weakened connective insubstantial creates nan dimpled effect. The antagonistic unit produced by nan cups draws nan tegument and different tissues upward, helping to drain accumulated fluids, toxins, and definite lipids from nan area. We are besides moving pinch bound fascia, which usually occurs erstwhile sitting for agelong hours.”
While you will astir apt consciousness a quality aft 1 session, reducing visible cellulite takes a alteration successful nan insubstantial and your wide circulation. “In nan master world of cupping for cellulite, we usually urge a bid of six sessions for champion results,” says Taylor. “The first convention tin create soreness arsenic nan fascia is addressed, and nan insertions and attachments of musculus are lengthened pinch nan cupping strokes. [The quality of cellulite] will lessen pinch ongoing sessions arsenic nan insubstantial originates to usability much efficiently and circulation improves.”

Can you do cupping for cellulite astatine home?
If you want to get nan benefits of cupping astatine home, curen tin beryllium effective—as agelong arsenic you’re consistent. “At-home cupping tin beryllium effective, particularly performed pinch techniques and a strategy for addressing nan fascia and associated lymphatics.”
At-home cupping is besides a bully measurement to supplement in-office treatments betwixt sessions. “It is difficult to lucifer nan thoroughness and skills of a practitioner performing this work for you, but at-home attraction successful betwixt sessions aliases aft a bid helps support your results.”
To get nan astir retired of your at-home treatments, Taylor shares this advice: “For champion DIY results, use lipid to nan area for a soft glide of nan cups. The unit should beryllium beardown but comfortable. You should move slowly, giving nan insubstantial clip to respond. A fewer times a week is sufficient, giving tissues clip to retrieve and nan fluids to move and absorb.”

Other Techniques to Consider
Cupping for cellulite often useful champion erstwhile mixed pinch different treatments. Together, they activity to train your tegument insubstantial and clasp elasticity. “Some find barren brushing anterior to cupping helps by encouraging circulation,” says Taylor.
Red ray therapy—which is celebrated for helping you execute glowy skin—can besides person immoderate effect connected cellulite. “We usage this successful my session astatine The Desert Canary station lymphatic massage therapy, cupping, myofascial massage, aliases wood therapy massage, each of which tin thief cellulite. If you are exploring nan exertion of reddish ray for facial results pinch location use, you mightiness see a sheet of lights truthful you tin multitask its usage for nan legs and arms.”
- Red Light Therapy. By expanding collagen accumulation and humor flow, reddish ray therapy tin gradually trim nan quality of cellulite
- Microcurrent Technology. Microcurrent helps stimulate circulation, preventing nan stagnation that causes cellulite.
- Fascia Therapy. Fascia-blasting is simply a manual method to loosen nan fascia, to thief trim symptom and cellulite.
- Myofascial Massage Therapy. This massage method is utilized to thief break up fat deposits and trim inflammation.
- Health Nutrition/Collagen Support. Focusing connected your nutrition and adding collagen supplements to your regular tin thief forestall nan tegument loosening that tin origin cellulite.
- Vibration Plate. Vibration therapy tin thief pinch circulation and trim cellulite by training and tightening your muscles.
- Movement. Regular activity tin forestall stagnation, beforehand circulation, and trim cellulite. Getting those 10,000 steps a time tin spell further than you think.